Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Taurus (Tau)
Dust in Taurus, Ian Sharp
Dust in Taurus
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Dust in Taurus

Dust in Taurus, Ian Sharp
Dust in Taurus
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Dust in Taurus



Acquisition details



The beautiful blue reflection nebula LBN 782 in Taurus is surrounded by the dark nebulae of Barnard 10 and 7. This is hellishly faint! A lot of the image is just above the black point of the histogram. I used lots of 10 minute exposures of LRGB data. 15 hours of L and 5 hours each of R, G and B. All from my telescope in Spain. I really think I could do with some more data!
See here for photos and details of the equipment setup.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Dust in Taurus, Ian Sharp