Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cygnus (Cyg)  ·  Contains:  Crescent Nebula  ·  HD192003  ·  HD192020  ·  HD192102  ·  HD192123  ·  HD192163  ·  HD192182  ·  HD192303  ·  HD192361  ·  HD192444  ·  LBN 203  ·  NGC 6888  ·  Sh2-105
NGC6888 - July 2024, René Schulz
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NGC6888 - July 2024

NGC6888 - July 2024, René Schulz
Powered byPixInsight

NGC6888 - July 2024



Acquisition details



Currently owning just one duo-narrowband filter can make it hard sometimes to pick a suitable combination of rig + target. My choice fell onto NGC7000 + Samyang 135mm + L-enhance filter.

First night went great, forecast for next night was fantastic as well, hence rig was left outside during daytime. That was a fatal mistake though as the Sun didn't ask twice and started melting my 3D-printed ring system holding the lens. Luckily camera and lens didn't fall down but shooting NGC7000 was now on hold.

With that option gone I had to use my 150PDS Newtonian + 533MC Pro + L-enhance and decided to collect some photons on NGC6888. Short summer nights but clear skies allowed for 25 hours total integration time and seeing the outcome I don't regret my target swap


Sky plot

Sky plot


NGC6888 - July 2024, René Schulz