Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Ursa Major (UMa)  ·  Contains:  Coddington's Nebula  ·  HD90820  ·  HD91129  ·  IC 2574
Dwarf Galaxy IC2574 or Coddington's Nebula, Massimiliano Tuninetti
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Dwarf Galaxy IC2574 or Coddington's Nebula

Dwarf Galaxy IC2574 or Coddington's Nebula, Massimiliano Tuninetti
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Dwarf Galaxy IC2574 or Coddington's Nebula



Acquisition details



IC2575 it's a dwarf galaxy which is part of M81 galaxy group in Ursa Major  constellation. It's far from us about 50.000 light-years. It was super diffiucult for me the post processing , probably the initial data was not really good and during the stretch was not easy to gudge the right arrival point. After few test i have decide for a "soft" version to not compromize too much the sky.
Thanks for watching and any C&C are welcome

CS Massi


Sky plot

Sky plot


Dwarf Galaxy IC2574 or Coddington's Nebula, Massimiliano Tuninetti