Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Carina (Car)  ·  Contains:  HD306097  ·  HD306108  ·  HD306110  ·  HD306118  ·  HD306119  ·  HD306120  ·  HD306121  ·  HD306188  ·  HD306189  ·  HD306190  ·  HD306191  ·  HD306192  ·  HD306193  ·  HD306206  ·  HD306207  ·  HD306208  ·  HD306210  ·  HD306212  ·  HD306213  ·  HD306214  ·  HD306215  ·  HD97237  ·  HD97238  ·  HD97319  ·  HD97352  ·  HD97452  ·  HD97484  ·  HD97499  ·  HD97629  ·  HD97672  ·  And 6 more.
Ngc 3582 star forming region, Stefano Pesci
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Ngc 3582 star forming region

Ngc 3582 star forming region, Stefano Pesci
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Ngc 3582 star forming region



Acquisition details



A few degrees east of iconic Eta Carinae nebula, star forming region Ngc 3576-82 also known as RCW57 (Rodgers, Campbell, Whiteoak, 1960). A three panes Ha and OIII cropped mosaic with T72 unit at iTelescopes (Chile).


Sky plot

Sky plot


Ngc 3582 star forming region, Stefano Pesci

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Imagers of Italy
Astrofili Dalai Lama