Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Hydra (Hya)  ·  Contains:  HD83471  ·  HD83535  ·  HD83569  ·  PK238+34.1
The Diamond Ring Nebula - Abell 33, Massimo Di Fusco
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The Diamond Ring Nebula - Abell 33

The Diamond Ring Nebula - Abell 33, Massimo Di Fusco
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The Diamond Ring Nebula - Abell 33



Acquisition details



After 3 years, with much more experience and with more "powerful" means, I returned to this beautiful deep sky object of which I am very fond as it was one of my very first planetary nebulae (subjects that I like very much, together with the star clusters). Compared to the old version made with Qhy168c and L-eXtreme filter (https://astrob.in/x6jn6q/0/), the L-Ultimate filter here brought out much more OIII signal despite light pollution conditions having worsened dramatically in just 3 years. Even the stars improved a lot using the L-QEF filter instead of a simple UV/IR-cut, also thanks to the installation of the deflector which took place after the first attempt on Abell 33.

Abell 33 (Also called A33 or the Diamond ring nebula) is a faint spherical planetary nebula located 2700 light years away in the constellation of Hydra. It lies just behind the star HD 83535, which has no relation to the nebula, that is responsible for the "diamond ring" effect seen in the photograph.
The nebula gets its coloration from the Olll emissions (doubly ionized oxygen) and the spherical shape is mainly caused by its central star not having much of a spin. Abell 33 shares similar morphology to another nebula with the same spherical shape, the Owl Nebula (M97) but is much darker than the Owl Nebula.
