Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Ursa Major (UMa)  ·  Contains:  M 101  ·  NGC 5455  ·  NGC 5457  ·  NGC 5461  ·  NGC 5471  ·  NGC 5477
M 101, SW80ED, ASI385MC, Kirk Grier
M 101, SW80ED, ASI385MC
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M 101, SW80ED, ASI385MC

M 101, SW80ED, ASI385MC, Kirk Grier
M 101, SW80ED, ASI385MC
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M 101, SW80ED, ASI385MC



Acquisition details



M 101 Pinwheel Galaxy, Sky-Watcher 80ED f/6.4, 152x10s, ASIAir, ASI385MC, No Filters, AZ-GTi Mount, Stacked/Processed with PixInsight, 05/25/2024, Santa Barbara, CA, USA. This is my first capture with this equipment. Definitely more capable than the Seestar S50 but it remains to be seen if the juice is worth the squeeze for EAA given the extra time involved.


Sky plot

Sky plot


M 101, SW80ED, ASI385MC, Kirk Grier