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Dusty Double Cluster Super Aggresive Star reduction, Jose Mtanous
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Dusty Double Cluster Super Aggresive Star reduction

Acquisition details

68×180(3h 24′)
3h 24′
Avg. Moon age:
4.64 days
Avg. Moon phase:

RA center: 02h20m51s.10

DEC center: +57°0531.10

Pixel scale: 8.202 arcsec/pixel

Orientation: -0.509 degrees

Field radius: 4.048 degrees

WCS transformation: thin plate spline

More info:Open 

Resolution: 2969x1952

File size: 6.0 MB

Locations: Observatorio Astronómico Nacional, B.C., Mexico

Data source: Traveller


Double Cluster from Bortle 1 (Observatorio Astronómico Nacional, San Pedro Martir BC, México)

There is a thick dark nebula in the background, it is very challenging to balance this image because of the insane amount of stars. I aggressively reduced the starts to bring the background to the foreground.

I also enhanced the areas where the Red color was predominant.


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Dusty Double Cluster Super Aggresive Star reduction, Jose Mtanous