NGC 7000 - Cygnus Wall, balykos

NGC 7000 - Cygnus Wall

NGC 7000 - Cygnus Wall, balykos

NGC 7000 - Cygnus Wall



Acquisition details



Image created using SHO data for the nebula and RGB data for the star field. Imaging location is Robert Moses State Park which is a Bortle 5 site in eastern Long Island, NY. Please note the decreased star density on the right side of the image which is caused by light absorbing dark nebulas.# Imaging Equipment:- Imaging camera: ZWO ASI1600MM imaging camera with ZWO EFW & filters- Imaging telescope: William Optics FLT120 refractor (780mm f/6.5)- Mount: Skywatcher EQ6-R- Guide scope: Orion 60mm- Guide camera: ZWO 120mm# Imaging Software: - N.I.N.A. (framing and imaging)- PHD2 (guiding)- ASTAP (plate solving)# Data:- Ha: 32x240s (gain 200, offset 50)- Oiii: 28x240s (gain 200, offset 50)- Sii: 36x240s (gain 200, offset 50)- R: 32x30s (gain 76, offset 15)- G: 32x30s (gain 76, offset 15)- B: 32x30s (gain 76, offset 15)# Post Processing:## Siril:- Image stacking/registration per channel- Noise Reduction- Deconvolution using PSF from stars- Starnet++ star removal- Generalized Hyperbolic Stretch Transformation- Background Neutralization- PixelMath channel composition- RGB star composition## GIMP:- Levels & Curves adjustments- Color temperature adjustments- Hue/saturation adjustments



NGC 7000 - Cygnus Wall, balykos