Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Crux (Cru)  ·  Contains:  Coalsack Cluster  ·  NGC 4609  ·  PK302-00.1  ·  PK302-00.2  ·  PK305+01.1  ·  PK305-00.1  ·  The star ιCru  ·  iot Cru
The Coalsack (C99), David Wright
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The Coalsack (C99)

The Coalsack (C99), David Wright
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The Coalsack (C99)



Acquisition details



Another dark nebula - this is becoming a habit.....

But this is a beautiful patch of sky that also has significance in Indigenous culture as the head of the Emu in the Sky. The emu stretches from Crux all the way to Scorpius in the form of dust clouds silhouetted by the bright elements of the Milky Way. There is a school of thought that there was as strong recognition of dark structure in the night sky amongst the indigenous population, as there was for brighter objects (the Pleiades and Orion, amongst others). I'm still learning as much as I can of Indigenous sky culture and can recommend it as a fascinating pursuit.


Sky plot

Sky plot


The Coalsack (C99), David Wright