Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cygnus (Cyg)  ·  Contains:  34 Cyg)  ·  34 P Cyg  ·  37 Cyg)  ·  37 gam Cyg  ·  B343  ·  B344  ·  B347  ·  Crescent Nebula  ·  HD190359  ·  HD190446  ·  HD190991  ·  HD191024  ·  HD191045  ·  HD191176  ·  HD191225  ·  HD191257  ·  HD191290  ·  HD191395  ·  HD191396  ·  HD191397  ·  HD191424  ·  HD191472  ·  HD191473  ·  HD191703  ·  HD192003  ·  HD192020  ·  HD192041  ·  HD192078  ·  HD192079  ·  HD192102  ·  And 691 more.
Sadr Region and NGC 6888, Harold Soto
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Sadr Region and NGC 6888

Sadr Region and NGC 6888, Harold Soto
Powered byPixInsight

Sadr Region and NGC 6888



Acquisition details



The Sadr Region (also known as IC 1318 or the Gamma Cygni Nebula) is a diffuse emission nebula that surrounds Sadr (y Cygni) at the center of the cross. The Sadr Region is one of the surrounding nebulous regions, along with the Butterfly and Crescent Nebulae. In addition to the emission diffuse nebulae, it contains several dark nebulae.

Sadr itself has a magnitude of about 2.2. The surrounding hazy regions are likewise fairly bright. Gamma Cygni is one of the more noticeable stars in the night sky. This star is massive in comparison to the Sun, with 12 times the mass and 150 times the radius. At an effective temperature of 6,100 K in its outer shell, it emits more than 33,000 times the energy of the Sun. This temperature is responsible for the star's unique yellow-white colour. Massive stars like this use their nuclear material considerably faster than the Sun, hence its estimated age is only about 12 million years.

This is the first time I've used the PixInsight narrowband normalization process feature in HOO.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Sadr Region and NGC 6888, Harold Soto