Contains:  Solar system body or event
2024-06-19 ISS Transit!, webcubus
2024-06-19 ISS Transit!, webcubus



Acquisition details



I often forget to look at ISS Transit Finder, but I happened to look this morning and saw that I was getting a transit today at my house! We're in the midst of a brutal heat wave, so I stuck my scope out in the 90F+ heat, stuck the solar filter on, and got ready. I started my capture a minute before and was glued to the screen waiting for it to pass. I saw a couple satellites pass by before I saw a large shape zoom by. It was fast, but it was very clear that I had captured it. What a crazy year! My first total solar eclipse (had to travel a couple hours for this one), my first aurora viewing (from my back yard), and my first solar transit viewing (from my back yard as well).

To create the image, I stacked the top 75% of the frames I had captured for the background. I then processed that in SolarToolbox in PixInsight. I used AutoStakkert to find and extract the frames with the transit, debayered them in PixInsight, used an ImageContainer to bulk apply sharpening and contrast enhancements with SolarToolbox, and then used GIMP to layer the transit images on top of the background while masking out everything except ISS. I love it!
