Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Scorpius (Sco)  ·  Contains:  115 Thyra  ·  12.65  ·  14.12  ·  15.15  ·  19 omi Sco  ·  20 sig Sco  ·  21 alf Sco  ·  22 i Sco  ·  23 tau Sco  ·  347 Pariana  ·  5 rho Oph  ·  503 Evelyn  ·  9 ome Oph  ·  Alniyat  ·  Antares  ·  B229  ·  B42  ·  B44  ·  IC 4596  ·  IC 4603  ·  IC 4604  ·  IC 4605  ·  LBN 1100  ·  LBN 1101  ·  LBN 1102  ·  LBN 1103  ·  LBN 1104  ·  LBN 1105  ·  LBN 1106  ·  LBN 1107  ·  And 45 more.

Image of the day 10/02/2021

    The Scorpius-Ophiuchus Region 2021, Wei-Hao Wang
    Powered byPixInsight

    The Scorpius-Ophiuchus Region 2021

    Image of the day 10/02/2021

      The Scorpius-Ophiuchus Region 2021, Wei-Hao Wang
      Powered byPixInsight

      The Scorpius-Ophiuchus Region 2021



      Acquisition details



      This is an 18-frame mosaic.  6.4 hr of data were taken over two nights in 2017.  13.67 hr of data were taken over six nights in 2021.

      The original image has 775 mega pixels.  Here I just uploaded a 0.3x down-sampled version to not overloading your browser.  A 0.6x down-sampled, pan-zoomable version can be seen here on GigaPan.

      Just for fun, I uploaded a dramatically filtered starless version as Rev.B for you to see the very complex nebulas in the background. A more seriously processed starless version is still in progress, slowly.
