Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Ursa Major (UMa)  ·  Contains:  M 101  ·  NGC 5451  ·  NGC 5455  ·  NGC 5457  ·  NGC 5461  ·  NGC 5471  ·  NGC 5477
M 101 Pinwheel Galaxy, Dickvantatenhove
M 101 Pinwheel Galaxy
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M 101 Pinwheel Galaxy

M 101 Pinwheel Galaxy, Dickvantatenhove
M 101 Pinwheel Galaxy
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M 101 Pinwheel Galaxy



Acquisition details



The giant spiral disk of stars, dust and gas is 170,000 light-years across and located in Ursa Major . She is nearly twice the diameter of our galaxy, the Milky Way. M101 is estimated to contain at least one trillion stars.  The distance to earth is around 25 mln light years. The galaxy’s spiral arms are sprinkled with large regions of star-forming nebulas. These nebulas are areas of intense star formation within giant molecular hydrogen clouds. Brilliant, young clusters of hot, blue, newborn stars trace out the spiral arms.

I used 12.7 hours of integration with LRGBHA filters. 26 Feb to 9 March 2022


Sky plot

Sky plot


M 101 Pinwheel Galaxy, Dickvantatenhove