Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Ursa Major (UMa)  ·  Contains:  HD122007  ·  HD122149  ·  HD122471  ·  HD122865  ·  M 101  ·  NGC 5447  ·  NGC 5449  ·  NGC 5450  ·  NGC 5451  ·  NGC 5453  ·  NGC 5455  ·  NGC 5457  ·  NGC 5461  ·  NGC 5462  ·  NGC 5471  ·  NGC 5473  ·  NGC 5474  ·  NGC 5477  ·  NGC 5484  ·  NGC 5485  ·  NGC 5486  ·  Pinwheel galaxy
M101 HaLRGB, Brian Poole
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M101 HaLRGB, Brian Poole
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Acquisition details



This is my observatory's "first light."  I had previously imaged M101 already, but for some reason I decided to image it again now that I got my dome automation working properly.  With that I just kept turning things on and running the same sequence over and over again simply because I haven't decided what I want to try imaging next.  That said, it's been a LONG time since I've used PI and I've only ever used it a handful of times so this is the best I can do with a mountain of data.

Oh, and this is my first time using NINA and I forgot to do a direct dither command.
