Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Centaurus (Cen)  ·  Contains:  Agena (β Cen)  ·  Hadar  ·  TYC9005-2263-1  ·  TYC9005-3533-1  ·  TYC9005-3547-1  ·  TYC9005-3568-1  ·  TYC9005-3571-1  ·  TYC9005-3572-1  ·  TYC9005-3581-1  ·  TYC9005-3583-1  ·  TYC9005-3585-1  ·  TYC9005-3597-1  ·  TYC9005-3598-1  ·  TYC9005-3600-1  ·  TYC9005-3609-1  ·  TYC9005-3613-1  ·  TYC9005-3616-1  ·  TYC9005-3618-1  ·  TYC9005-3622-1  ·  TYC9005-3628-1  ·  TYC9005-3636-1  ·  TYC9005-3638-1  ·  TYC9005-3641-1  ·  TYC9005-3649-1  ·  TYC9005-3652-1  ·  TYC9005-3663-1  ·  TYC9005-3684-1  ·  TYC9005-3691-1  ·  TYC9005-3692-1  ·  TYC9005-3693-1  ·  And 41 more.
Ghost of Hadar in SHS and HRSH colors, Alexandr Zaytsev
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Ghost of Hadar in SHS and HRSH colors

Revision title: Ghost of Hadar in HRSH colors

Ghost of Hadar in SHS and HRSH colors, Alexandr Zaytsev
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Ghost of Hadar in SHS and HRSH colors

Revision title: Ghost of Hadar in HRSH colors



Acquisition details



1h 21min of integral Ha and SII exposure of immediate surroundings of Beta Centauri (Hadar) showing surprisingly complex structures not so noticeable in G or B broadband or OIII exposures (and barely visible in SII and R exposures) - captured remotely using Telescope #3 (ASA-N D = 0.5m f/3.8, FLI ProLine 16803) system of ChileScope on 3 imaging sessions carried out on Mar 28, Apr 1 and Apr 2 of 2023.

The SII, Ha, SII exposures are mapped to RGB channels and additional color corrections are applied in post-processing. The OIII exposure was intentionally not used because not even hint of these structures is registering on it.

The original resolution image of revision B is available under [1]:

[1] https://coalsack.online/chilescope/Cen_2023Q1/Beta_Cen_T3_Ha_19x180s_nr_r_16b_c_SHS_a6_stl_at.jpg

A wider FOV image of the area in Ha showing hints of these structures near Beta Cen obtained with Chilescope T5 instrument is available under [2]:

[2] https://www.astrobin.com/gcqtmj/

More detailed study of these structures in B&W using Ha, OII and SII exposures with Chilescope T3 instrument is presented under [3]:

[3] https://www.astrobin.com/ojtcmx/C/

Since the attempts to find any previous optical images that would show the full structure of this nebula or even explicit references in the literature were unsuccessful so far (as of Apr 16, 2023, albeit its presence is found in several all-sky surveys which were reveling no internal structure or just a hint of presence - as identified during the discussion in Forum thread [4]), it is possible that these are the first color images of this object ever obtained in the visible spectrum!

[4] https://www.astrobin.com/forum/c/astrophotography/other/need-help-identifying-nebulae-in-immediate-vicinity-14-radius-of-beta-cen/



  • Ghost of Hadar in SHS and HRSH colors, Alexandr Zaytsev
  • Ghost of Hadar in SHS and HRSH colors, Alexandr Zaytsev
  • Ghost of Hadar in SHS and HRSH colors, Alexandr Zaytsev
  • Final
    Ghost of Hadar in SHS and HRSH colors, Alexandr Zaytsev


Title: The version of the image under original revision with partial star suppression applied

Description: ("Heaven's Door" edition=)

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Title: The same scene processed in a slightly different color scheme (yet still with SHS to RGB channel mapping)

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Title: Ghost of Hadar in HRSH colors

Description: 2h 45min of integral Ha, SII, R exposure of immediate surroundings of Beta Centauri (Hadar) showing surprisingly complex structures not so noticeable in G or B broadband or OIII exposures (and barely visible in SII and R exposures) - captured remotely using Telescope #3 (ASA-N D = 0.5m f/3.8, FLI ProLine 16803) system of ChileScope on 5 imaging sessions carried out on Mar 28, Apr 1, 2, 12, 13 of 2023. The Ha, R, SII, Ha are mapped to LRGB channels.

Uploaded: ...

Sky plot

Sky plot


Ghost of Hadar in SHS and HRSH colors, Alexandr Zaytsev