Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Pavo (Pav)  ·  Contains:  IC 4823  ·  NGC 6744
NGC 6744, Patrick Winkler
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NGC 6744

NGC 6744, Patrick Winkler
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NGC 6744



Acquisition details



NGC 6744 is a relatively large barred spiral galaxy in the constellation Pavo. According to scientific findings, it is approx. 33 million light years away and has an extent of 150,000 light years. Even in Namibia, this beautiful galaxy unfortunately never comes higher than 49 degrees and since the seeing stability has been somewhat unstable recently, I have certainly thrown away 3-4 hours of exposure time. More exposure time certainly wouldn't have done any harm, but at some point you reach the point where you want to turn your attention to other objects.


Sky plot

Sky plot


NGC 6744, Patrick Winkler