Up in Flame-Flaming Star Nebula, 巴兰 史

Up in Flame-Flaming Star Nebula

Up in Flame-Flaming Star Nebula, 巴兰 史

Up in Flame-Flaming Star Nebula



Acquisition details



Actually, this image was taken one years ago, and it was the very first deep sky image that I've ever taken. I reprocessed this image today, with new tools like SXT, GSH, the process is much more efficient. and the result is much better than before. I hope you like it. 

Flaming star nebula has a significant connection with the Barnard loop that I photographed days ago.

The Barnard loop is a remnant of supernova explosion 2 million years ago. This supernova explosion also generated runaway stars like Auriga AE (the brightest one in the picture), which illuminated the flaming star nebula; and Mu Columbae, which is also known as "Feces Star" in traditional Chinese culture.



Up in Flame-Flaming Star Nebula, 巴兰 史