Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Taurus (Tau)  ·  Contains:  Crab nebula  ·  M 1  ·  NGC 1952
The Crab Nebula, Deep Space Photons
The Crab Nebula
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The Crab Nebula

The Crab Nebula, Deep Space Photons
The Crab Nebula
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The Crab Nebula



Acquisition details



After about a year I am finally getting back into AP. I had computer issues, and I am still working out issues with capturing data with an old old old MacBook running windows.

But I built a PC for processing, which is nice it no longer takes a full day just to pre-process!

I started M1 before all the PC issues and restarted it on 12-19. I was able to add the old data after version A. I had a ton of hot pixels with my data and assumed my darks were just too old. But I found with new darks there was still a lot of hot pixels. I guess I need to dither more and further. I found linear fit clipping didn't remove them but winsorized sigma did. Weird. Anyways I had some focusing issues, the latest SGP does seem to work better but is still slow and I need to do a better job nailing down backlash issues.

It's been so long I really had to relearn how to do all of this!

I wish I had a cleaner better M1 to show for it, but this is an ok image I guess. I might add more to it but I also kind of want to use my SV80. We'll see.

*Pixel scale is actually 0.69"/px. Drizz and resize.



  • The Crab Nebula, Deep Space Photons
  • The Crab Nebula, Deep Space Photons
  • The Crab Nebula, Deep Space Photons
  • The Crab Nebula, Deep Space Photons
  • Final
    The Crab Nebula, Deep Space Photons
  • The Crab Nebula, Deep Space Photons


Description: Just upped the brightness and contrast a little.

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The Crab Nebula, Deep Space Photons

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