Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Hydra (Hya)  ·  Contains:  Ghost of Jupiter  ·  Jupiter's Ghost Nebula  ·  NGC 3242  ·  PK261+32.1
NGC 3242 Ghost of Jupiter, rdhand
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NGC 3242 Ghost of Jupiter

NGC 3242 Ghost of Jupiter, rdhand
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NGC 3242 Ghost of Jupiter



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NGC 3242 is a planetary nebula and is most frequently called the Ghost of Jupiter due to its similar size to the planet, but it is also sometimes referred to as the Eye Nebula.  The nebula is two light years long from end to end, and contains a central white dwarf star. The inner layers of the nebula were formed some 1,500 years ago.  It is approx. 4800 light-years distant.


Sky plot

Sky plot


NGC 3242 Ghost of Jupiter, rdhand

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Cloudy Nights

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Planetary Nebula