Contains:  Solar system body or event
Mars (IR-RGB) 22 Sept 2020, Geof Lewis

Mars (IR-RGB) 22 Sept 2020



Acquisition details



Another night of good seeing. This is an IR-RGB image using 10% of x4 IR applied as luminance to a x4 RGB stack. Each of the 4 IRRGB AVIs were selected as best 30% in AS3!, wavelet sharpened in Registax6, then de-rotated in WinJupos, with a further mild wavelet sharpening of the IR-RGB stack in R6, before final tweaks and annotation were added in Affinity Photo.

The image is displayed south up. The Argyre impact basin surrounded by rugged massifs which form concentric and radial patterns may be seen below and to the right of the south polar cap. The darker regions straddling the equator (left to right) of Sinus Sabaeus, Sinus Meridiani, Margaritifer Sinus and Aurorae Sinus can be seen above the lighter red Aeria & Chryse regions. Clouds are visible above the north pole region and towards the Mars limb in the 2 o'clock position, on the right of the image.



Mars (IR-RGB) 22 Sept 2020, Geof Lewis

In these collections

Planets - Mars