Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cygnus (Cyg)  ·  Contains:  56 Cyg  ·  57 Cyg  ·  HD198639  ·  HD198896  ·  HD198931  ·  HD199178  ·  IC 5070  ·  LBN 343  ·  LBN 350  ·  LBN 353  ·  LBN 359  ·  LDN 933  ·  Pelican Nebula  ·  The star 56 Cyg  ·  The star 57 Cyg
IC5070 - yet another 50 shades of grey study in Ha., Adrian
IC5070 - yet another 50 shades of grey study in Ha., Adrian

IC5070 - yet another 50 shades of grey study in Ha.

IC5070 - yet another 50 shades of grey study in Ha., Adrian
IC5070 - yet another 50 shades of grey study in Ha., Adrian

IC5070 - yet another 50 shades of grey study in Ha.



Acquisition details



Even when it is forecast clear the elements conspire to make AP frustrating. A near full Moon, high veil cloud and poor 'seeing' all add to the challenge of getting any sort of image. Moan over.

This is just 12x300s of Ha using an Antlia 3nm Ha filter with an ASI183MM and a StellaMira 90ED. I actually took 17 frames in the limited period of nautical darkness but five had to be scrapped - the remaining twelve are what they are.

In the end, after some careful processing, the resulting image is quite revealing and well worth the effort of setting up.

Thank you for looking.




  • Final
    IC5070 - yet another 50 shades of grey study in Ha., Adrian
  • IC5070 - yet another 50 shades of grey study in Ha., Adrian

Sky plot

Sky plot


IC5070 - yet another 50 shades of grey study in Ha., Adrian