Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Orion (Ori)  ·  Contains:  Extremely wide field
Funny test from downtown Milano, Luigi Fontana
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Funny test from downtown Milano

Funny test from downtown Milano, Luigi Fontana
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Funny test from downtown Milano



Acquisition details



Test of an interesting "light" setup. SBIG11000 with Halpha filter, 85 mm f/2 Nikon lens, unguided 300s exposures on Star Adventurer. Image cropped from the original.

BORTLE 9 - SQM not measured, but I think around 17 (80% moon, and I live downtown Milano...)

Test di una interessante configurazione. SBIG11000 con filtro Halfa, obiettivo Nikon 85 mm f/2, pose di 300s non guidate su Star Adventurer. Immagine tagliata perché in parte delle pose entrava il tetto della casa :-)


Sky plot

Sky plot


Funny test from downtown Milano, Luigi Fontana