Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Volans (Vol)  ·  Contains:  NGC 2434  ·  NGC 2442
NGC 2442, Mathieu Guinot
NGC 2442
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NGC 2442

NGC 2442, Mathieu Guinot
NGC 2442
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NGC 2442



Acquisition details



NGC 2442 (lower spiral structure) and NGC 2443 (upper horizontal spiral arm) are two parts of a single intermediate spiral galaxy, commonly known as the Meathook Galaxy or the Cobra and Mouse. It is located about 50 million light-years away in the constellation Volans.
The asymmetric structure is tought to come from a past tidal interaction.
The elliptical galaxy NGC 2434  can also be seen in the top right, as well as several other galaxies.
I volontary kept that North at top orientation for some aesthetic reasons.

Processed with Telescope Live datas taken from Chile between 2022/12/19 and 2022/12/24.


Sky plot

Sky plot


NGC 2442, Mathieu Guinot