Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Leo (Leo)  ·  Contains:  M 95  ·  NGC 3351
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M95 barred spiral galaxy in Leo, Greg Nelson
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M95 barred spiral galaxy in Leo

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M95 barred spiral galaxy in Leo, Greg Nelson
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M95 barred spiral galaxy in Leo



Acquisition details



This crazy wet Arizona winter and an even crazier daytime schedule has reduced my processing time...but I finally finished an image. Three more are waiting in the wings but who knows when I'll get to them. At least the observatory is collecting data on the few clear nights we are getting here.

This image was a particular challenge to get color balance acceptable (at least to my eye). Using Specrtrophotometric Color Calibration, the final image was just too green and dingy for my taste. When fitting the color calibrated stars, there were very few in the field of view and I suspect the color fit statistics were just not good enough to get an accurate color starting point. I went back and used a standard Color Calibration on the galaxy and got a more pleasing result with yellows in the barred spiral region and some blue hues in the spiral arms. Producing "standard" color, image to image, for these galaxies is my next processing challenge to find a way to develop some skill in getting reproducible colors.

The other oddity I observed in my stacked color images was some resolution of "knots" in the galaxy core. These were not present in the brighter Lum master stacks, but were present in the R,G,B masters. Real or some odd mathematical phenomenon...I don't know. You can see it for yourself if you look close at the core.

Enjoy and clear skies everyone!



  • M95 barred spiral galaxy in Leo, Greg Nelson
  • Final
    M95 barred spiral galaxy in Leo, Greg Nelson


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M95 barred spiral galaxy in Leo, Greg Nelson

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