Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Auriga (Aur)  ·  Contains:  IC 410  ·  LBN 807  ·  LDN 1530  ·  NGC 1893  ·  Sh2-236
IC 410 SHO, Eric COUSTAL ( F5ODA )
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IC 410 SHO

IC 410 SHO, Eric COUSTAL ( F5ODA )
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IC 410 SHO



Acquisition details



IC 410 is located 12,000 lightyears from Earth in the Auriga constellation, and is nicknamed the Tadpole Nebula because of the tadpole-shaped clouds of dark dust that appear to be swimming towards the centre.The Tadpole Nebula is a region of ionised hydrogen gas spanning over 100 lightyears across that's carved and sculpted by streams of charged particles called stellar winds emanating from open star cluster NGC 1893.

Information : For this picture the S2 level is a synthetic (pixinsight) i do no shoot in S2


Sky plot

Sky plot


IC 410 SHO, Eric COUSTAL ( F5ODA )