Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Ara (Ara)  ·  Contains:  HD148104  ·  HD148399  ·  HD148610  ·  HD148690  ·  HD148837  ·  HD148851  ·  HD148922  ·  HD148937  ·  HD148974  ·  HD148987  ·  HD148989  ·  HD149019  ·  HD149054  ·  HD149065  ·  HD149077  ·  HD149098  ·  HD149189  ·  HD149400  ·  HD149534  ·  HD149610  ·  HD149641  ·  HD149643  ·  HD149644  ·  HD149742  ·  HD149744  ·  HD149781  ·  HD149795  ·  HD149855  ·  HD149900  ·  HD149901  ·  And 27 more.
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Ara Dragons, Andre Brossel
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Ara Dragons

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Ara Dragons, Andre Brossel
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Ara Dragons



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  • Ara Dragons, Andre Brossel
  • Final
    Ara Dragons, Andre Brossel


Description: NGC 6188 is an emission nebula located about 4,000 light years away in the constellation Ara. The bright open cluster NGC 6193, visible to the naked eye, is responsible for a region of reflection nebulosity within NGC 6188.

NGC 6188 is a star forming nebula, and is sculpted by the massive, young stars that have recently formed there – some are only a few million years old. This spark of formation was probably caused when the last batch of stars went supernova

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Ara Dragons, Andre Brossel

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