Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Carina (Car)  ·  Contains:  Carina Nebula  ·  Foramen  ·  IC 2581  ·  IC 2599  ·  NGC 3199  ·  NGC 3247  ·  NGC 3255  ·  NGC 3293  ·  NGC 3324  ·  NGC 3372  ·  NGC 3496  ·  NGC 3503  ·  NGC 3572  ·  NGC 3576  ·  NGC 3579  ·  NGC 3581  ·  NGC 3582  ·  NGC 3584  ·  NGC 3586  ·  NGC 3590  ·  NGC 3603  ·  PK283-01.1  ·  PK283-01.2  ·  PK285-01.1  ·  PK285-02.1  ·  PK285-02.2  ·  PK288+00.1  ·  PK288+00.2  ·  PK288-00.1  ·  PK288-02.1  ·  And 19 more.
Nebulae of the South: Statue of Liberty to Eta Carina, Göran Nilsson
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Nebulae of the South: Statue of Liberty to Eta Carina

Nebulae of the South: Statue of Liberty to Eta Carina, Göran Nilsson
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Nebulae of the South: Statue of Liberty to Eta Carina



Acquisition details



During two recent nights here on Lizard Island I managed to catch panels to the south (including the Statue of Liberty nebula) and north of Eta Carina in order to make a three panel mosaic. Not the easiest endevour with a Star Adventurer mount. So no fancy platesolving software helping me out. Also PI refused to put them together, saying it could not find matching stars, so I had to do it manually in PS.



  • Nebulae of the South: Statue of Liberty to Eta Carina, Göran Nilsson
  • Nebulae of the South: Statue of Liberty to Eta Carina, Göran Nilsson
  • Nebulae of the South: Statue of Liberty to Eta Carina, Göran Nilsson
  • Final
    Nebulae of the South: Statue of Liberty to Eta Carina, Göran Nilsson

Sky plot

Sky plot


Nebulae of the South: Statue of Liberty to Eta Carina, Göran Nilsson