Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cepheus (Cep)  ·  Contains:  HD201344  ·  HD201429  ·  HD202214  ·  HD202380  ·  HD239618  ·  LBN 445  ·  LBN 449  ·  LBN 453  ·  Sh2-129
Sh2-129 - The Bat and Squid Nebula, Jason Guenzel
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Sh2-129 - The Bat and Squid Nebula

Sh2-129 - The Bat and Squid Nebula, Jason Guenzel
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Sh2-129 - The Bat and Squid Nebula



Acquisition details



Well ... there is no shortage of opinion on what this one actually looks like. Nevertheless, it picked up the nickname “the squid nebula” due to its resemblance to the sea creature. This nebula has an interesting story to tell.

It was only discovered in 2011 because it is extraordinarily faint. The elongated bipolar nebula was likely created by the central bright star (actually a close triple star system) which created the outflow sculpting the hydrogen and oxygen gasses in this region. The outflow gave rise to the red hydrogen pocket and the extended blue-green oxygen formation.

If you’d have asked me a year ago if an image like this was possible with a color camera, I’d have swiftly answered no. The tech has come a LONG way!

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Sh2-129 - The Bat and Squid Nebula, Jason Guenzel

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