Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Hydra (Hya)
Newly confirmed Planetary Nebula  StDr 47, Jon Talbot
Newly confirmed Planetary Nebula  StDr 47
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Newly confirmed Planetary Nebula StDr 47

Newly confirmed Planetary Nebula  StDr 47, Jon Talbot
Newly confirmed Planetary Nebula  StDr 47
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Newly confirmed Planetary Nebula StDr 47



Acquisition details



StDr 47 is a newly confirmed planetary nebula in the constellation Hydra. Just recently, spectral data been taken showing it exhibits the typical signature of a planetary nebula (https://planetarynebulae.net/tableau_spectres/StDr_47_fiche.pdf). It's extremely faint and around 4.5 arc minutes in size. StDr 47 was discovered by Xavier Strottner and Marcel Drechsler in April 2020. It was given the nickname "The Beehive nebula". Here is the original Astrobin post of StDr 47 taken with a 1m scope in Chile:  https://www.astrobin.com/ngbh9q/G/. The above image of StDr 47 was done using RGB and 5nm narrowband Ha and OIII filters with my 6" refractor. The data showed that the object was slightly brighter in OIII compared to Ha. In the wide field of view, there is quite a bit of faint background Hydrogen emission shown in red and also an interesting area of Ha emission in the upper right which is the southern extension of another, much larger object called StDr Object 20 or the "Heart of Hydra".   StDr 47 is located at RA 09 27 31.46, DEC -23 22 34.4.

This link shows the entire Heart of Hydra object:  https://www.astrobin.com/950d0s/?q=The%20Heart%20of%20Hydra

The image is a result of 44.2 hrs of exposure time beginning in March of 2023 and ending in Feb 2024.  The image was aquired using 2x2 binning and drizzled to 1x1 bin resolution in post processing.


Above is a full resolution crop of StDr 47.   Image resolution is .64 arc sec/pixel
