Iris Nebula in Cepheus, old DSLR + 8" newt, frenchyarnaud

Iris Nebula in Cepheus, old DSLR + 8" newt

Iris Nebula in Cepheus, old DSLR + 8" newt, frenchyarnaud

Iris Nebula in Cepheus, old DSLR + 8" newt



Acquisition details



It had been 11 weeks since the last day without rain and clouds in Dorset, England! Finally an unexpected clear night on Nov 24th. For under-equiped beginner me, NGC7023 is kind of a big deal, what I would consider an advanced target, notoriously tricky. The moon was almost full, which made things even worse but after 2 months waiting for a clear night, I could not really pass it. I went all in with calibrations frames (almost 200) and took much shorter than usual subs, but more of it (165 * 120s while usually I'd go with 50 or 80 * 300s), to try and swamp the moon and light pollution gradient. I still had to resort to severe cropping in post because there was no way to really get rid of the gradient. The one good thing on my side is that the temp was just above freezing, and the little fan mod I made on the dslr allowed me to keep the sensor around 6C, which has a terrific impact on SNR compared to without the fan when the sensor temp climbs to 20C above ambient. All in all,  it all went as planned.



Iris Nebula in Cepheus, old DSLR + 8" newt, frenchyarnaud