Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Orion (Ori)  ·  Contains:  Flame Nebula  ·  IC 434  ·  NGC 2023  ·  Orion B
Barnard 33 - The Horsehead Nebula - Hydrogen alpha, Francesco di Biase
Barnard 33 - The Horsehead Nebula - Hydrogen alpha
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Barnard 33 - The Horsehead Nebula - Hydrogen alpha

Barnard 33 - The Horsehead Nebula - Hydrogen alpha, Francesco di Biase
Barnard 33 - The Horsehead Nebula - Hydrogen alpha
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Barnard 33 - The Horsehead Nebula - Hydrogen alpha



Acquisition details



Barnard 33 - The Horsehead Nebula - Hydrogen alpha
Starting as an instrumental test shot during the moon, this is the result of 33x900" H-alpha 5nm - Total exp 8:15h in two nights.
GSO RC12" @ f/6 (Riccardi reducer .75x)
10Micron GM2000 HPS2
Moravian CCD G2-4000
Astrodon 5nm H-a filter


Sky plot

Sky plot


Barnard 33 - The Horsehead Nebula - Hydrogen alpha, Francesco di Biase

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