Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cassiopeia (Cas)  ·  Contains:  LBN 635  ·  LBN 636  ·  LDN 1340
LBN635, LBN636, LDN 1340 - A faint dusty area in Cassiopeia, Matthew Proulx
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LBN635, LBN636, LDN 1340 - A faint dusty area in Cassiopeia

LBN635, LBN636, LDN 1340 - A faint dusty area in Cassiopeia, Matthew Proulx
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LBN635, LBN636, LDN 1340 - A faint dusty area in Cassiopeia



Acquisition details



Imaging this was a gamble as there are really no good or close up images to be found on the internet that go deep. I captured a total of 52 hours over 3 nights but I did not use the Ha. There wasnt enough meaningful signal to be worth using. The Red channel was the most abundant here though and makes up for most of the color in the dusty areas.


Sky plot

Sky plot


LBN635, LBN636, LDN 1340 - A faint dusty area in Cassiopeia, Matthew Proulx