Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Perseus (Per)  ·  Contains:  46 ksi Per  ·  California Nebula  ·  IC 2005  ·  IC 2027  ·  LBN 752  ·  LBN 756  ·  LDN 1456  ·  LDN 1462  ·  LDN 1463  ·  LDN 1464  ·  LDN 1469  ·  Menkib  ·  NGC 1499  ·  Sh2-220  ·  The star ξPer
The California Nebula, Bray Falls
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The California Nebula

The California Nebula, Bray Falls
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The California Nebula



Acquisition details



Hey all! Here is an image I acquired in 2018 of the california nebula. The first edit received an APOD: https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap181106.html but I wanted to reprocess it since I felt it could be much better.

This image uses 23 hours of Ha, 3.5 hours of Oiii and Sii each.


Sky plot

Sky plot


The California Nebula, Bray Falls