Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Coma Berenices (Com)  ·  Contains:  HD111813  ·  HD111842  ·  HD111878  ·  NGC 4712  ·  NGC 4725  ·  NGC 4747
NGC 4725 & Friends: This Is Not F/2!, estabrook
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NGC 4725 & Friends: This Is Not F/2!

NGC 4725 & Friends: This Is Not F/2!, estabrook
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NGC 4725 & Friends: This Is Not F/2!



Acquisition details



As I put my Askar FRA500 into action this spring, I was inspired by Mike Feigenbaum's beautiful image of NGC 4725, a fascinating target with which I was unfamiliar.  Although my rig is better suited to wider-field targets, I decided that NGC 4725 and its neighbors were too enticing to pass up.  I went after them for 9 hours spread across 3 uneven nights during a long-lasting stretch of poor conditions.  After that third night, it was clear that I wasn't shooting at f/2 anymore--I'd need a fourth night, and perhaps a fifth or sixth.  Alas, the weather did not provide one until after these target were out of reach.  But I'll surely revisit them and add to this image next year!
