Contains:  Extremely wide field
Venus & The Moon 31-1-2025, Rob Johnson

Venus & The Moon 31-1-2025

Venus & The Moon 31-1-2025, Rob Johnson

Venus & The Moon 31-1-2025



Acquisition details



Well this didn't work out perfectly as the camera lens dewed up and needed attention during the one hour total time and I must have moved the camera a little  hence the funky star trails at the top of the image. Strange because I stacked on Venus and the Moon, could be I changed the zoom a tiny bit each time I cleared the lens. Anyhow here is a little bit of fun, the cloud rolled in (of course) as I finished the sequence. The crescent Moon looked magnificent!

31x1s exposures taken at 2minute intervals with a Canon750D, standard lens at f5, ISO400.
