Contains:  Solar system body or event
Attempt at RGB white light sunspots, Ed Astle

Attempt at RGB white light sunspots

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging
Attempt at RGB white light sunspots, Ed Astle

Attempt at RGB white light sunspots

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



RGB filters, manual filter wheel, Baader Herschel Wedge, Skywatcher 150 f/8, mono cam (Player One Saturn).

This was a lot harder than I had supposed.
The SW150 is an achromat so I needed to refocus for each colour.
I couldn't actually focus with the additional filter wheel so had to add a Televue PowerMate 2x to help push the focus back.

I thought I could just mash the R/G/B images together in GIMP and get a decent colourized view.
Oh no!
After nearly 5 hours I did - it's not "out of the box" easy.

Not sure I'll try this again.
I now have a deep regard for you DSO-ers that RGB full time - it's hard "keeping it real"!



Attempt at RGB white light sunspots, Ed Astle

In these collections

Skywatcher 150 Solar