Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Serpens (Ser)  ·  Contains:  Eagle Nebula  ·  IC 4703  ·  M 16  ·  NGC 6611  ·  Star Queen
Eagle Nebula, jhn.holgate
Eagle Nebula
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Eagle Nebula

Eagle Nebula, jhn.holgate
Eagle Nebula
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Eagle Nebula



Acquisition details



After a few months of crawling around on my knees trying to see into the viewfinder of the DSLR, I've finally swapped it for an astro cam - ASI 294mc pro.  Much easier to focus and frame while looking at the laptop.  This is 3 x 8 minute shots with the UHC filter through the Flurostar 120mm and 5 x 4 minute shots with just the IR cut filter.  Stacked in ASI deep sky stacker along with 6 previously recorded dark frames.  Gain 180 0 degrees.  Finished in Photoshop Elements.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Eagle Nebula, jhn.holgate