Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Fornax (For)  ·  Contains:  NGC 1365
NGC1365 in Fornax, Frank Brandl
NGC1365 in Fornax
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NGC1365 in Fornax

NGC1365 in Fornax, Frank Brandl
NGC1365 in Fornax
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NGC1365 in Fornax



Acquisition details



Barred Spiral Galaxy NGC1365 in Fornax
This galaxy belongs to the group of Barred Galaxies (as our own galaxy too) and it shows some extreme elongated and massive spiral arms making it a spectacular appearance. The distance is about 56 million light years. Unfortunately this is just a b/w imag.

Imaging Technique: Image remotely taken using GRAS-015 of Global Rent a Scope.
Instrument: RCOS 10" (Aperture = 250mm; Focal Length = 1510 mm, f/6)
Camera: SBIG ST-8XME; Field of view: 20.9'x31.3'
Exposure: L = 4 x 300s CLEAR Filter; 1x1 binImage size reduced to 50%, processing with CCDStack and Photoshop CS2.


Sky plot

Sky plot


NGC1365 in Fornax, Frank Brandl