Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cepheus (Cep)  ·  Contains:  HD214975  ·  HD215286  ·  HD215588  ·  HD215606  ·  HD215771  ·  HD215835  ·  HD215907  ·  LBN 502  ·  LBN 506  ·  LBN 511  ·  LDN 1200  ·  NGC 7380  ·  PK107-00.1  ·  Sh2-142  ·  Sh2-143
Orton Casts a Glow Spell on the Wizard, Franklin Marek
Orton Casts a Glow Spell on the Wizard, Franklin Marek

Orton Casts a Glow Spell on the Wizard

Orton Casts a Glow Spell on the Wizard, Franklin Marek
Orton Casts a Glow Spell on the Wizard, Franklin Marek

Orton Casts a Glow Spell on the Wizard



Acquisition details



With a very well imaged object such as the Wizard nebula I wanted to present it in a slightly different light.  This rotation angle makes it look much more like the Tulip nebula than the classic orientation of the wizard.  I also did a blend of a traditional SHO process blended with the output from the Foraxx Palette Utility.  Then utilized the very brand new beta from PaulymanAstro ( @Paul Hancock ) and his Orton Glow script. 

Video I made on the image: https://youtu.be/ga1H-DMKIsQ

There are some amazing structures that stand out when it is orientated like this.  The dark loops that appear to be following gigantic magnetic field lines reminiscent of the superconducting structures in the movie Avatar


There is also the truly dark nebula off to the left in this image TGU H665 (bottom part of LDN1200) so dark it is blocking out almost all the stars behind it.
TGU H665.jpg

I also explored this area in my What's In My Image script and saw Spitzer had imaged the dark nebula.  So I pulled down the 736 images, used MosaicbyCoordinates and GradientMergeMosaic (I spent wayyy too much time to get that all together but it was fun!).  It covered just a strip through it.  There is so much data that Spitzer collects, the professional space can really provide a wealth of data to dig into!!


Spitzer data aligned into my image

There is also the little known and little catalogued WISE G107.209-01.334.  I haven't seen many images with the detailed structure in it like this
WISE  G107.jpg

There is also some OIII bubble like structure around the star HD215806.  I see there is an IR nebula listed but nothing for the OIII structure.  It is best viewed in the starless version

Lastly in this orientation the outer wall of the where the intense UV drops off and excitation transitions to the Ha and SII is very nicely framed



  • Final
    Orton Casts a Glow Spell on the Wizard, Franklin Marek
  • Orton Casts a Glow Spell on the Wizard, Franklin Marek

Sky plot

Sky plot


Orton Casts a Glow Spell on the Wizard, Franklin Marek