Contains:  Solar system body or event
Coronal Loop AR3712 - Mono, Ed Astle

Coronal Loop AR3712 - Mono

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging
Coronal Loop AR3712 - Mono, Ed Astle

Coronal Loop AR3712 - Mono

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



It nearly didn't fit! A beautiful massive structure.
What you see is how the camera saw it - almost too big for the chip.

1000 frames captured in FireCapture (recording 16 bit).
Best 10 out 1000 frames stacked in AutoStakkert 4.

This mono image was Shadows/Highlights in Gimp, plus a gentle unsharp mask.

I'd added my Televue 2x PowerMate in front of the Baader TZ4S (4x), to bring my rig to F64.
I was browsing the limb when this huge thing caught my attention.

It was panic stations! I've never seen one live, let alone try and image it.

There are 3 variants of this image:
  1. mono - best dynamic range. All the photons contribute to the image.
  2. inverted - the eye sees faint details better this way. I shrunk the brightness range (levels) to enhance the view.
  3. coloured - it looks pretty, but looses dynamic range. Grey is copied to each RGB channel, but then G+B need reducing to induce false colour. This in turn reduces the perceived brightness and erodes those dimmer details



Coronal Loop AR3712 - Mono, Ed Astle

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