Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cassiopeia (Cas)  ·  Contains:  11 Cas)  ·  15 Cas  ·  15 Per)  ·  17 Cas)  ·  18 Cas)  ·  24 Cas)  ·  27 Cas)  ·  33 Cas)  ·  37 Cas)  ·  45 Cas)  ·  IC 1805  ·  IC 1831  ·  IC 1848  ·  Ksora (δ Cas  ·  Marfak-East (θ Cas  ·  NGC 281  ·  NGC 7822  ·  Shedir (α Cas  ·  The constellation Cassiopeia (Cas)  ·  The star Achird (η Cas  ·  The star Caph (β Cas  ·  The star Fulu (ζ Cas  ·  The star Marfak  ·  The star Miram (η Per  ·  The star Navi (γ Cas  ·  The star Ruchbah  ·  The star Segin (ε Cas  ·  The star Shedar  ·  The star κ Cas
Cassiopeia wide field, Lukasz_Wackowski
Cassiopeia wide field
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Cassiopeia wide field

Cassiopeia wide field, Lukasz_Wackowski
Cassiopeia wide field
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Cassiopeia wide field



Acquisition details



Wide field shot from my bortle 4 backyard.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Cassiopeia wide field, Lukasz_Wackowski