Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Perseus (Per)  ·  Contains:  10 Per  ·  5 Per  ·  7 Per)  ·  7 chi Per  ·  8 Per  ·  B201  ·  Double cluster  ·  HD13038  ·  HD13067  ·  HD13068  ·  HD13135  ·  HD13136  ·  HD13149  ·  HD13187  ·  HD13268  ·  HD13292  ·  HD13309  ·  HD13331  ·  HD13338  ·  HD13370  ·  HD13391  ·  HD13392  ·  HD13403  ·  HD13493  ·  HD13494  ·  HD13506  ·  HD13543  ·  HD13561  ·  HD13620  ·  HD13635  ·  And 100 more.
The Double Cluster in Perseus in RGBHA, Antoine Grelin
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The Double Cluster in Perseus in RGBHA

The Double Cluster in Perseus in RGBHA, Antoine Grelin
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The Double Cluster in Perseus in RGBHA



Acquisition details



The Double Cluster in Perseus is a popular target among amateur astrophotographers, it is an easy object to capture, and it is most of the time imaged in RGB.

I stumbled upon wide field pictures of the area and saw that there was a lot of HA signal behind and all around the clusters. I decided to give it a go with a focal length of 655mm, which hasn’t been done much apparently.

I spent one night capturing R, G, and B signal. Then I spent 3 extra nights (20 hours) imaging but this time with a hydrogen alpha filter. Even with 20 hours of exposure in HA, it was difficult to bring out the gas during processing because it is still relatively faint in this area of the sky. This is what I was able to achieve. You can see the beautiful Double Cluster, and an incredible amount of HA gas behind and around.


Sky plot

Sky plot


The Double Cluster in Perseus in RGBHA, Antoine Grelin