The Meade LX90-ACF Generic equipment discussions · Van H. McComas · ... · 7 · 152 · 0

McComas 0.90
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I have dabbled with small telescopes since the 70’s but now that I am near retirement I am ready to go big with
astrophotography.  What are the opinions around the world about the Meade LX90-ACF 10 inch with Go-to altazimuth?  It will be equipped with the AutoStar software, the LX90 GPS computer and mount and the UHTC optics. Thanks for your help.
maro21 0.00
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Altazimuth mounts are not the best choice for astrofotography .You have to think abut equatorial wedge  . In my opinion eq mount  guarantee the best effects . SCT 10 is challenge for astrophotography becouse of long focal length. Do you think about hyperstar system? I  made some tests  of sct 8 with  sw neq6 , heq5 mounts and and results without guiding system were very poor .  What about camera ? DSLR or camera ?
carl0s 0.00
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Do you have specific targets in mind ? Planets, DSO ?
McComas 0.90
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I was planning on starting with the moon with my 3 inch scope as I keep learning about astrophotography and equipment. I am a ways off before my big buy. The 50 pounds of the LX90 concerns me as I am not getting any younger (63 now). I will keep looking and keep in mind the Germany mount. What do you think is the less size scope for DSO?  Thanks for the help.
McComas 0.90
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What I have so far (I didn't answer part of your reply) is a 3" Celestron NexStar refractor and I will use Orion Star Shoot USB camera and process with RegiStax 6. I have been studying "The Backyard Astronomer's Guide" by Dickinson & Dyer.
carl0s 0.00
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I think a good  option for DSO is an 8" Newton. It is light and not that expensive.  The OTA weights ~ 16-22 pounds.
In case you want to go for the ACF 10", get the f8 version. It's better suited for DSO than the f10 version. The OTA weights 33 lb.

But for DSO AP you need of course a german mount. Here some examples, the AZ EQ6 GT weights around 33 lb. The iOptron CEM60 27 lb. Those are just the heads. Tripods are usually lighter.
Xplode 0.00
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If you want to go for DSO targets you want a shorter focal length and faster optics to get good results, slower long focal length optics will be a fight with noise, guiding and seeing.
McComas 0.90
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If I had read a few more pages in "The Backyard Astronomer’s Guide" by Dickinson& Dyer I would have found out just what all of you have said. I need to slow down and read/study more. The authors recommend an APO Refractor on a German Mount so I will start looking in that direction. Thanks for all the input and don't be surprise to see more question from me to all you professional amateur astrophotographers.   
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