Delta Rho Owners - Is it worth it? Planewave DeltaRho 350 · Jon Main · ... · 2 · 440 · 1

JonMain 1.20
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I'm considering purchasing a DR350 for remote observatory installation. There's a few questions I have about this OTA:

First, PW claims a 60mm image circle. Is this actually usable for a medium format camera like the ASI 461MM or is it only actually usable for full-frame? I'm a bit nit picky with my corner stars!

Next, I'm considering the Series 5 focuser and rotator combo. Any issues with this equipment? I'm concerned about changes in tilt during rotation.

Speaking of tilt: What, if anything are you using for tilt correction? There is insufficient backfocus for the Series 5 focuser/rotator combo with an OAG and EFW to use a Gerd Neumann CTU or similar. I assume a Photon Cage would be sufficient if tilt correction is necessary. With something like an Optec Gemini focuser there would be enough space for a CTU, but those are back ordered.

Fourth and almost last, what are you using for flats? The only remote capable flat panel I could find of appropriate size is from PrimaLuce Lab.

Finally, are you happy with the scope? Do you wish you had gone with something else?

Thanks and CS,

GeoChron 0.00
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Hi Jon,

I'm not sure how many DR350 owners are using medium format - I would think that most are using ASI6200 or equivalent (as am I). So I can't comment on such a set up but stars are fine of course with full-frame. You would need big filters though - I see minor vignetting with 50mm unmounted filters but rather more intrusive vignetting with 2 inch mounted. So you would be up for 50 x 50 and the special ZWO filter wheel designed for the ASI 461.

I don't use the PW focuser/rotator either and went with the Prima Luce lab equivalents - which are very well made - but I do definitely see changes in tilt with rotation. I started out with a simple Baader  tilt corrector but this was not really up to the task of the delicate adjustments required so then I went to a Photon cage. I am now using the electronic version of the Photon cage which makes life so very much easier.

For flats I use a UniFi LED panel as originally proposed on CN: flat panel . If you read to the bottom of that thread you will see that someone wrote an ASCOM driver for it which is fantastic. I can control it (on/off/brightness) a part of my NINA sequence and it only cost $100 or so You can see it behind the scope in this photo:
DSCF0124 copy.jpg

I'm very happy with my DR350 but did put in an order very soon after it was announced and so it was considerably cheaper than current pricing...

 Jon (yes...another one)
JonMain 1.20
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Hi Jon,

Thank you very much for your detailed reply. Very much appreciated!


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