Advanced sequencer in NINA to stop imaging when conditions are not safe and resume when safe Stefan Berg Nighttime Imaging 'N' Astronomy (N.I.N.A. / NINA) · Guillermo (Guy) Yanez · ... · 6 · 296 · 5

Ecliptico 2.41
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Hello everyone. I am trying to configure the NINA advanced sequencer to stop autoguiding and imaging while conditions are not safe (e.g., cloudy, windy, etc) and resume as soon as it is safe to continue. I have the safety monitor fully operational and tested but I would like to know if the following sequence makes sense to you guys for my purpose. I would appreciate any comments. Thanks in advance.

sn2006gy 3.61
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I don't think that's very safe.

You should switch to "when becomes unsafe" trigger and have it put your system in a safe state and then "once safe" to recover with weather clears. Something like this:


My unsafe park scope does a few things


This sequence isn't running right now so my variables aren't active, but basically i set up longer waits if cloudcover or rain is high... if broken cloud cover i set up shorter waits (like 30 minutes to recheck if cleared up) otherwise it defaults to a 10 minute wait.

and finally once safe, get everything  back open and unparked

sn2006gy 3.61
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The trigger is part of sequencer powerups plugin if you don't already have it.
Ecliptico 2.41
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Hello Byron. That is an interesting (and different) approach for the purpose. I may go on the same route as you are suggesting.
BTW, I already have all the unsafe conditions defined on the Safety Monitor and it flags correctly in any particular safety event. The one piece of the puzzle I would love to see in more detail is your "Close shutter" template. 

That would be great.


sn2006gy 3.61
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I don't use really any of the "binary" safety configurations in the NINA settings, I want everything to be sequenced so my close shutter/roof is this


Basically, just assuring scope is parked and then close shutter - nothing fancy, but since I *have* to park scope to close roof i didn't want to depend on any configuration outside the sequence to do this.
CCDnOES 7.14
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I would go to the NINA Discord and ask Marc (the Powerups author). I know him and he is a great programmer (he wrote Zork in the old days among many other things) and a nice fellow and very helpful.
sn2006gy 3.61
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I've worked with Marc, he is great - but happy to answer questions here as I know a lot of people aren't on Discord.
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