My first image with Starizona HyperStar 11 & ZWO ASI 1600 MM Pro ZWO ASI1600MM Pro · Sandu Val Cosmin · ... · 1 · 79 · 2

SanduValCosmin 1.20
Please post images made with this setup here! What wonders can be achieved? Thank you !
SanduValCosmin 1.20
My first project was an EAPOD - 30.03.2021

This capture represents a set of Ha lights with the Baader HighSpeed f/2 filter and practically the first capture with the large Hyperstar 4 C11 telescope.
It was made on February 4 at a temperature of -12 ° degrees but with perfectly clear skies.
The color capture was made using a SW Ed80 telescope and a Color camera, on March 3, through the clouds and with Orion located at 25 °degrees above the Bucharest area (SQML 18).
The color signal input was very weak, the processing being a real challenge, but I managed to bring a little color in this exposure.
I waited to catch at least one more good night for astrophotography, without the Moon, but so far without success.
So I decided to make this project public.


More information and reprocessing here:

Edited ...
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