External WiFi Antenna ZWO ASIair Pro · Jim Medley · ... · 3 · 227 · 0

DrDuck2526 2,11
·  3 лайків
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I purchased a second generation ASIAir, the ASIAir Pro, with the internal wifi antenna. For many years I have used the Vonets wifi extender with moderate success.  In this recent stretch of bad weather, I sent my ASIAir Pro off to Caleb at Fun and Tech in Colorado Springs to have him install the external wifi antenna.  In just exactly one week from Virginia to Colorado, I received my ASIAir back from Caleb, beautifully and professionally modified.  My previous experience was that even with the Vonets unit correctly configured, the wifi range was very limited and there were frequent drop outs and reconnects .  Although the weather isn't cooperating for a full test, I have to say that my experiments of moving the ASIAir further and further away from the router inside the house have been very reassuring.    I strongly recommend anyone looking to upgrade their older style ASIAir to consider sending it off to Caleb.  He can be found on Etsy.
hughesthompson 0,00
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I had Caleb modify my ASIair Pro as well.  I think it's connection is about as good as my ASIair Plus.  Best $50 I've spent on astronomy.  Here is the link to Caleb's site: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1013982058/asiair-pro-external-wifi-antenna
DrDuck2526 2,11
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I  had bonus points on my credit card so it actually costs me no money....Caleb is definitely a good guy to work with.
charding 0,00
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He modified my Pro and it now has a strong signal.
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