I'm in need of help. Today I discovered that ZWO realese an update that can push the EAF focuser from the default maximum steps 65000 up to 600000 steps. That sounds great since I had that problem / situation with my SCT regarding the limit of 65000 steps, as many users do.
So, I made the firmware update on my EAF's with the latest provided by ZWO (FW 3.3.8) and then I updated the Ascom Driver to the latest version (V. 6.5.19).
Everything went smothly but when I open the EAF on my program for image acquisition, problems started (which the previous driver I never had this problem).
I use the Astrophotography Tools V. 4.30 and I love it. When I do shift+clic on focuser to select the brand and Ascom driver, he turned on and I put the data refering to the steps, like you see in the image:

After this he's apparently working, don't give me any error, but the problem is when I open the settings (red rectangle) to open the ASCOM driver things are this way:

I can't controll him through the ASCOM properly as I use to do with the previous driver (which the privious driver doesn't allow me to go up to the 600000 steps) and the only way I can make it properly function is if I do shift+click in focuser as in the first image that I've posted here or through those settings (which they are very roughly to work with and susceptible to errors - Red box in the image bellow):

Can anyone help me with that? I've tried to remove and install everything grom sratch, nothing worked.. Only if I go with the older version of ASCOM that doesn't allow me to go with the steps above 65000, which is a problem for me when using the SCT telescope.