Dual imaging with identical cameras. Multiscope Setup · Taman · ... · 11 · 243 · 1

Taman 1.81
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Hello everyone, thanks for letting me join the group. 

To make the most of our challenging weather, I'm trying to put together a dual imaging rig for narrow band. This will be an FLT91 and Zenithstar 73 mounted together on my CEM60EC. I've already got the hardware to do this, but need a 2nd camera. I'm currently using the ASI294MM Pro. Ideally I'd like to get another one, but wonder if this would cause a conflict? The plan is to use APT to control both cameras and dithering, but how do you know which camera is which in APT settings? The alternative is the ASI2600MM Pro, but this has a bigger sensor and is more expensive, any suggestions?

Many thanks, CS Tony.
Space_Oddity 0.00
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Hi Tony,
I use 2-294MMs on my dual rig.  ZWO's ASCOM driver provides for camera 1 and camera 2.  To verify which is which, I disconnect one of them and try to connect to it. If I connect I know which one I am on. If I don't  I still know which one I am on.    Simple really!

pmneo 1.51
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Having a lager Sensor on the second Scope may have the advantage, that the FOV must not be perfect aligned.

I use the ASI1600 @ 450mm with my Asi2600 @712mm. With this the ASI1600 has a larger FOV. The data of the ASI1600 will be drizzled and aligned to the 2600 data.

I used this Setup for many of my Pictures: f.e. https://www.astrobin.com/datnom/ or https://www.astrobin.com/9w4auj/B

CS Philip
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Taman 1.81
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Thanks Bob! A simple solution 
Looking through the forums, I've seen people using different computers to control each camera, I thought there was an easier way!

CS Tony.
pmneo 1.51
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Thanks Bob! A simple solution 
Looking through the forums, I've seen people using different computers to control each camera, I thought there was an easier way!

CS Tony.

I'm also using two Raspberries, because in my case the setup contains three cameras (Main Cam1, Guding Cam, Main Cam2), two filter wheels and two motor focus. So it's not enogh to control 2 cameras, you also need the possiblity to control the other devices too.

Space_Oddity 0.00
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Tony, I use SGP for my imaging software. I build 2 equipment profiles and it contains identical equipment.  I am using 2- WO-GT81s, 2- ZWO EFW, 2 ZWO 294s and 2 PrimaLuce Focusers. Once again once I determine which driver is for which camera it is set and forget. The same goes for the Filter wheels and focusers.  I simply open 2 instances of SGP each with the appropriate equipment profile.

As far as dithering the is a whole other story.  It is not possible with this set up.  If both cameras are imaging and a dither comes up, the cameras need to be synced to the mili-second or one of the images is going to be wasted. NINA had attempted synchronized dithering, which I used for a time.  When a dither was scheduled, the main camera would sit idle until the second camera finished it image, then it would pause both cameras, dither and continue.  I had so many lock ups with this system, I just gave up on dithering altogether.  I am not sure but I think they gave up on it as well.   I am not sure about APT if it has some type of synchronized dithering function as I have never used it.

I have found that when  processing using Cosmetic correction in PI the need for dithering is not necessary. I know there are arguments about this method out there but I am quite satisfied with the results. 

One other item you will require is an adjustable dovetail attachment  ADM Max Guider to make sure both rigs are pointed to the same exact location in the sky.  Also you need to make sure both cameras are rotated to the same exact angle. 

Taman 1.81
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Having a lager Sensor on the second Scope may have the advantage, that the FOV must not be perfect aligned.

Thanks Philip!

I'd already thought of that. The problem is the extra cost of the ASI2600MM (about 500 UK pounds more).

The FLT91 with reducer is nearly the same focal length as the Zenithstar 73 and the hardware I have will allow me to accurately align the two scopes, so this should not be a problem.

CS, Tony.
Taman 1.81
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Bob J:
Tony, I use SGP for my imaging software. I build 2 equipment profiles and it contains identical equipment.  I am using 2- WO-GT81s, 2- ZWO EFW, 2 ZWO 294s and 2 PrimaLuce Focusers. Once again once I determine which driver is for which camera it is set and forget. The same goes for the Filter wheels and focusers.  I simply open 2 instances of SGP each with the appropriate equipment profile.

Bob, it looks like my setup will be simpler than yours. I'm not using auto-focusers or filter wheels, just filter trays. I've also found that the focus stays spot on during sessions using just a Bahtinov mask. I've got the  JTD Astro version of the ADM Max Guider, it's a solid piece of kit!

APT should be able to control both cameras with dithering (I hope!) I'll use the Ascom ASI drivers for the two 294MM Pro's and the native ZWO driver for guiding with an ASI120. Hope it's all worth the effort!

CS, Tony.
Space_Oddity 0.00
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APT should be able to control both cameras with dithering (I hope!) I'll use the Ascom ASI drivers for the two 294MM Pro's and the native ZWO driver for guiding with an ASI120. Hope it's all worth the effort!

I use the ASCOM drivers and the native for my 120 also!   It is worth the effort as I have been getting 8 to 12 hrs of data in a single night!

Taman 1.81
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Bob J:
APT should be able to control both cameras with dithering (I hope!) I'll use the Ascom ASI drivers for the two 294MM Pro's and the native ZWO driver for guiding with an ASI120. Hope it's all worth the effort!

I use the ASCOM drivers and the native for my 120 also!   It is worth the effort as I have been getting 8 to 12 hrs of data in a single night!


Thanks for your help Bob, I'm going to order another camera. 

CS, Tony.
AstroPinoy 0.90
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Hello everyone, thanks for letting me join the group. 

To make the most of our challenging weather, I'm trying to put together a dual imaging rig for narrow band. This will be an FLT91 and Zenithstar 73 mounted together on my CEM60EC. I've already got the hardware to do this, but need a 2nd camera. I'm currently using the ASI294MM Pro. Ideally I'd like to get another one, but wonder if this would cause a conflict? The plan is to use APT to control both cameras and dithering, but how do you know which camera is which in APT settings? The alternative is the ASI2600MM Pro, but this has a bigger sensor and is more expensive, any suggestions?

Many thanks, CS Tony.

APT is perfect tool for this, it does not matter even if you have 3 identical cameras. You don't need multiple computer or laptop and you only use one mount and will have dithering as well.. For dithering, you need to setup a client and a server, but you only turn on dithering on the server, the clients will just wait until the camera configured as a server will finish dithering and will start the process in sync.

Here is my setup: https://flic.kr/p/2gAfKn7
Taman 1.81
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Rey Hernandez:
APT is perfect tool for this, it does not matter even if you have 3 identical cameras. You don't need multiple computer or laptop and you only use one mount and will have dithering as well.. For dithering, you need to setup a client and a server, but you only turn on dithering on the server, the clients will just wait until the camera configured as a server will finish dithering and will start the process in sync.

Hi Rey, thanks for the info and for sharing your nice setup! I always use APT and it's nice to know it will be able to control multiple (identical) cameras too. I  got my second mono camera today and have most of the hardware, so I've just got to put it together. If all goes well, I might even think about a triple system next year!

CS, Tony.
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