Apt users -Help required Please read 🌟 Imaged with APT · Dave B · ... · 3 · 97 · 0

dave1968 2,81
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Apt is asking for some help if you use APT  please have a read of ivo and Maria’s statement .https://aptforum.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=6323
bellavia 1,81
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Thanks for posting this.

I did contribute (and will again, likely several times).
I posted something similar on Cloudy Nights, but they took it down, due to their policy, so I am glad your post survived here.
Mikeinfortmyers 7,83
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I contributed as well and will again. My questioin is whether APT is getting the support it needs from the funds drive? 

dave1968 2,81
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Mike H:
I contributed as well and will again. My questioin is whether APT is getting the support it needs from the funds drive? 


im sure it’s ivo intention to update its users once they decide how to move forward hopefully with everyone’s support.


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